Viljandi Gymnasium

Viljandi Gymnasium was established in 2012 as the first state-governed gymnasium in Estonia. There are currently 553 students (age 16-19) studying and about 60 teachers working at our school (2023). Students can choose between 6 programs or fields of study – mathematics and physics, natural sciences, humanities and art, social sciences, economy/business and foreign languages. […]

Tartu Vocational College VOCO

Tartu Vocational College VOCO is the leading vocational school in Estonia and offers studies to a large and diverse group of learners starting from age 16. Annually around 3000 students take part in the VET studies in IT, robotics, and technology amongst others. The goal of VOCO is to train young professionals who are knowledgeable […]

Vabaduse School

Vabaduse Kool (Freedom School) is a secondary school for Ukrainian war refugees located in the heart of Tallinn. As of Spring 2023, 570 students aged 13-18 study at Vabaduse Kool. There are two main languages of instruction in our school – Estonian (60% of the lessons) and Ukrainian (up to 40% of the lessons). We […]

Estonian Business School

Founded in 1988, EBS is the oldest privately owned business university in the Baltics. With more than 1400 students, EBS’s goal is to provide enterprising people with academic knowledge, skills and values for its successful implementation.

Tartu Private School LõunaTERA

LõunaTERA is a full-day school for grades 1-3, integrating general education and creative subjects. From 4th grade, transition to integrated subject learning takes place, with the addition of a second foreign language and homework.