Peetri Kindergarten

Peetri Kindergarten is one of the largest in Estonia with 18 groups, operating in collaboration with Peetri Kindergarten-Basic School. The focus on learning through play allows children to be active and engage directly in experiments and personal experiences. Modern ICT tools, such as educational robots, are a fundamental part of the teaching methods used here. […]

Peetri Basic School

We are one of Estonia’s largest educational communities, accommodating 730 students in grades 1-9 and 18 kindergarten groups. Our kindergarten emphasizes learning through play, promoting active, experimental, and experiential learning. At the school level, we focus on creating a supportive atmosphere that enhances both academic and practical skills, alongside social and emotional development. Our students […]

Kindergarten Sipsik

Kindergarten Sipsik is a modern and innovative educational institution that focuses on supporting the development of children’s future skills, which create the foundation for becoming autonomous, adaptable, and responsible individuals. Project-based learning is implemented in all groups. We also use various ICT tools, including educational robots, in the learning process. We spend a significant part […]

Viljandi Gymnasium

Viljandi Gymnasium was established in 2012 as the first state-governed gymnasium in Estonia. There are currently 553 students (age 16-19) studying and about 60 teachers working at our school (2023). Students can choose between 6 programs or fields of study – mathematics and physics, natural sciences, humanities and art, social sciences, economy/business and foreign languages. […]