St John’s School

St John’s School is a private school set up in 2013 by a group of like-minded parents and teachers who had the idea of creating a school that would allow children to receive an excellent education but not at the cost of their well-being, preserving the balance between body, mind and soul. Teaching and learning […]

Peetri Basic School

We are one of Estonia’s largest educational communities, accommodating 730 students in grades 1-9 and 18 kindergarten groups. Our kindergarten emphasizes learning through play, promoting active, experimental, and experiential learning. At the school level, we focus on creating a supportive atmosphere that enhances both academic and practical skills, alongside social and emotional development. Our students […]

Pärnu Ühisgümnaasium

school management ;in-service training & professional development;curriculum development; Elective Courses
Supporting Further Education and Career Choices
Nurturing Learning Environment
Fostering Learning Motivation and Effective Study Skills

Viljandi Gymnasium

Viljandi Gymnasium was established in 2012 as the first state-governed gymnasium in Estonia. There are currently 553 students (age 16-19) studying and about 60 teachers working at our school (2023). Students can choose between 6 programs or fields of study – mathematics and physics, natural sciences, humanities and art, social sciences, economy/business and foreign languages. […]

Vabaduse School

Vabaduse Kool (Freedom School) is a secondary school for Ukrainian war refugees located in the heart of Tallinn. As of September 2024, over 500 students aged 13-18 study at Vabaduse Kool. There are two main languages of instruction in our school – Estonian (60% of the lessons) and Ukrainian (up to 40% of the lessons). […]

Sindi Gymnasium

At Sindi Gymnasium, life is active with various hobby and sports clubs. Students can choose elective courses like police, defense, rescue, media, and economics. We have a friendly school community and positive teachers, along with exciting events and a music school on site.