Making STEM education attractive

Many countries are facing a shortage of STEM students, specialists and engineers. To boost innovation and value-driven growth, we must find effective solutions to promote the STEM field in students and fulfil this demand. In Estonia, there is one solution that works well – an educational TV science contest. Estonia has built one of the […]

Three Estonian solutions that enrich educational opportunities

One of the basic principles of Estonian education is that every child must be offered an education according to his or her abilities and needs. In addition to the state, companies specialised in educational technology also contribute to this. Eva Toome, Education Estonia The results of Estonian pupils in the international PISA study are among […]

In Estonia, even kindergartens teach robotics

Estonians are taking care that our own Steve Jobs and / or Elon Musk could learn tomorrow’s skills already from early childhood. More than half of schools and a number of kindergartens in Estonia teach children programming and robotics through play, so that they would – without too much effort or screen time – pick […]

A program that helps Estonian children prepare for the future

“What do we teach when we teach a child programming? We teach them to think,“ says Kristi Salum, leader of the Estonian ProgeTiger program.  “I really believe in what Steve Jobs said: everyone should learn to program because it teaches you to think. Even today, it is difficult to find a field in the world […]

Using space to support STEM education in school

On 3 March 2021 the ESERO Estonia was officially launched to support STEM education. The goal of the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) is to support STEM studies in primary and secondary schools by using space as a context. ESERO Estonia, hosted by the University of Tartu and led by the Tartu Observatory, joins European […]

ProgeTiger – Estonian way to create interest in technology

In 2012 Estonia launched the ProgeTiger programme to create interest in technology and improve technological literacy and digital competence of teachers and students. Various courses and training have been undertaken to this end, including programming, robotics and 3D technology, which have proved to be very popular. The goal of the program is to provide children […]

Encouraging teachers to use STEAM tools

In order to encourage teachers to use more different STEAM tools in their practice, researchers from Tallinn University produced a selection of teaching materials for students of teacher training. The materials help to teach environmental topics like soil, ocean, biodiversity, water and climate by using robotics, VR etc.  According to the recent Digital Compass 2019 […]