Full Cycle Game Academy

Full Cycle Game Academy is a unique game development education opportunity where you will learn from experienced Unreal Engine specialists. The goal is to provide our students with all the knowledge, experience, and tools to ensure them a spot in the game industry. The academy will emulate a real-life game development company’s work with the […]

Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences

Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (EUAS) is the market leader in Estonian private higher education, located in the multiple award-winning Smart City called– Ülemiste City (https://www.ulemistecity.ee/en/). We are known for our dedication in building long lasting partnerships between the public/private sector and the university. These partnerships are championed by our staff, supported by their […]

Kindergarten Sipsik

Kindergarten Sipsik is a modern and innovative educational institution that focuses on supporting the development of children’s future skills, which create the foundation for becoming autonomous, adaptable, and responsible individuals. Project-based learning is implemented in all groups. We also use various ICT tools, including educational robots, in the learning process. We spend a significant part […]

Viljandi Gymnasium

Viljandi Gymnasium was established in 2012 as the first state-governed gymnasium in Estonia. There are currently 553 students (age 16-19) studying and about 60 teachers working at our school (2023). Students can choose between 6 programs or fields of study – mathematics and physics, natural sciences, humanities and art, social sciences, economy/business and foreign languages. […]